Rights Of Rasoolullah(saw)Over Ummah
Nights were spent by Rasoolullah(pbuh) in ibaadah and dua
for this ummah. it is apparent that the number of difficulties he had to suffer
for over sake causes him to have certain rights upon us
that we have to fulfill. Allama Qazi Ayaz in his famous
book Ash-Shifaa discuses these rights in detail.We present the crux of it
by lisenting and briefly explainning the following eight rights
Rasoolullah(pbuh) upon us .
1. Imaan upon the holy prophet :
It is fardh upon every muslim to truely accept and believe what Rasoolullah
received from Allah and to bring Imaan on his prophethood.withoit true Imaan
upon him, none
can be a true muslim.Allah states in the holy
Quran, ( And whoseso believes not in Allah and his messanger, we have
surely prepared for the infidels a blazing fire.) (Surah Alfath, verse 13)
this verse clearly explains that the person whose does
not bring Imaan upon Rasoolullah"s prophethood, even though he accepts
Tauheed and bears testimony to Allah"s oneness say and night,
he shall be known as Kaafir .
2.Following of the holy Prophet : The following of
Rasoolullah's life and sunnats is necessary upon every muslim.Allah states in
the Quran , ( O beloved! ) say , O people ! if you love Allah then
follow me ; Allah will love you and forgive your sins,
and Allah is forgiving , merciple. (Surah Al Imraan, verse 31) this is why the
Sahaabah never went out of the boundary of Rasoolullah's Itbaa
for even a second . it has been reported that the gutter of
Hadrat Abbas's house was joined to Masjidun-Nabawee and would drop water upon
the musallis coming in to the masjid, which caused
Ameerul-Mmineen Hadrat Umar to remove it . Hadrat Abbas
later came to him and said,"oath on Allah ! Rasoolullah himself
placed this gutter while standing on my shoulders", causing Hadrat
Umar to reply, O Abbas! i did not know . nevertheless i beg
you to stand on my shoulders and place it back to where it was , causing the
gutter to then be refitted.( Wafaaul-Wafaa vol. 1)
3. Obedance to the Holy Prophet : Every muslim is
enjoyned to be obedant to Rasoolullsh's every order and follow his
instructions. Allah states in Holy Quran, obey Allah and obey the
messanger .(Surah An-Nisa verse 59) this verse of the Quran
clearly prove that without being obedant to Rasoolullah, there can be no
consideration of being a true muslim.Hadrat Abdullah bin
Abbas narates that once when the Prophet saw a person wearing
a gold ring, he held his hand, took the ring and whilst throwing it,
said,"whose amongest you wishes the fire of hell to afflict his
hand? " when he had later left , people then
asked the man, why don't you pick up the ring and gain some benefit from
selling it ? yet Subhanallah ! this was his reply : Oath on Allah ! i shall
never pick up that ring which Rasoolullah(pbuh) has thrown
away. The man then went away and left the ring to remain on the ground.(
Mishkaat Sharif,vol. 2)
4. Love for the holy Prophet : it is also fardh on
every muslim to love Rasoolullah more than anything in this world and be
willing to sacrifice everything dear to him at his blessed feet.
Allah states in the Quran: say , if your fathers and your
sons and your brothers, wives, your clan and the wealth of your earning and the
trade of which you fear loss and the houses of your
choice hese things are dearer to you than Allah and his
messanger and struggling in his path the wait till Allah brings his command.And
Allah guides not the dis obedient . (surah Al-Tauba,verse
24) Hadrat Anas states that Rasoolullah(pbuh) once said
"none amongest you can be a complete mumin if he does no love me mor than
his parents, children and the entire mankind .( Bukhari sharif vol. 1)
5. Respect for the Holy Prophet : A very important right of Rasoolullah upon
his ummah is that they should respect and honour him.Allah states in the holy
Quran : surely , we have sent you as a witness( present and seeing ) and a
bearer of glad-tidings and a warner ,so that O people ! you may believe in
Allah and his messenger and pay respect to him and honour him ,and that you may glorify him morning and
evening.( Surah Al-Fath verse no.7 & 8 ) . The one whose disrespects
Rasoolullah is Kaafir . Hadrat Allama Qazi
Ayaz states that all Ulemah of this
Ummah has agreed upon that, “ An
Islamic king should order the killing of the person that swears Rasoolullallh
finds fult in him, his family , his religion any of his habits, compares him to
something unworthy as well as the person that curses him or says something
terrible to afflict him. In all of these cases , this individual should be
killed.( Shifaa Sharif vol.2)
Hilal Ahmad Hayat
email id :- ahmadhilal74@gmail.com
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