Friday, 29 June 2012

Faces of Our Leaders

              "How many faces are presents in the packet of a leader of today"

                       It is very difficult or you can say impossible for any unit, an organisation, a society , community and a country to reach their goal with out right leaders. Todays our leaders use different ways to make their   followers fool . but such type of leadership works very little time and ultimately crashes very badly at the end of the day .

From last four consecutive days we saw many types of gatherings and many big lectures and more....but the result was as aspected , because in our valley Kashmir (india) everything is done with the choice of politicians with mutual understandings of so called society leaders.Here is some thing important that is why we saw big demands and big lectures these type of leaders against government the reason is ........ Because only to settle LD( leen deen) depends upon the situation if situation is critical the price well critical .
The only lose is the lose of lives  innocent peoples who came in the trap of these bloody criminal leaders. The only way to prevent the lives of these innocent peoples is to thrown out the criminal leaders out of the game.

Our future is day by day goes into downward slope...  the reason for this is that everything is planned from initiation to time of execution, but ultimately at the time of action our leaders came with different face and comes with again and again and every time with new face and time you make a new mistake ...........and the process is continuously running from more than 20 years.

lastly i want to say one or two leaders are present in our society who really want to change our society but their movement is always restricted and prisoned by government. 
(Regarding the recent Tragedy of Dastgeer Sahib(RA) shrine.)     PEOPLE WILL UNDERSTAND RIGHT THINGS WITH PASSAGE OF TIME ...........The only hope now we have.............

     hilal hayat

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Dastgeer Sahib Shrine khanyar gutted in blaze

Dastgeer  Sahib  Shrine Khanyar :

A sorrow movement rapidally  spread over the valley of kashmir and outside country as well

when the news came that Dastgeer Sahib Shrine khanyar was been blaze Monday morning at

6:30 almost whole shrine is destroyed by fire mostly the wood structure of  Dargarh . Now a

different types of comments coming from different peoples regarding this incident , what is the reason

behind the tragedy ......... the first answer is shot circuit ( Government) it came initially and will come

after the investigation report . It is simple because Government never want to give right information to

general public because they knew that people of Kashmir may repeat the history. It would be impossible

for government to held the people thereafter.

 Now it is a very difficult situation for Government to handle but here is need to play politics and the

Government of state play it very well, as we saw in Shopian Case ( Murder and Rape of two girls)  . But

with respect of time people know more about government and their policies.

It is fourth consecutive day the normal life in  the valley  is distributed. Tommarrow is a black Friday  and

Ulmma Al-e-Sunnat  have already giving Call     (Khanyar Chalo)   so what happen tommarrow God Knows

better ............... contd.... it seems very difficult to handle the situation tom marrow in Srinagar .

Friday, 15 June 2012

The Benefits of Financial Globalization

The Benefits of Financial Globalization :-

Increased international capital mobility has both potential benefits and costs. Most economists agree that the two main benefits are inter-temporal trade and risk diversification. Inter-temporal trade allows for smoothing spending over time.
For example during his working life a person may reduce his current income and save in order to maintain a high level of consumption during retirement, or a student may take out a loan so he can consume comfortably today and pay back this loan by foregoing future consumption when his income is high.
In a similar fashion a poor country like Bangladesh or Nigeria can borrow funds in the global capital market in order to spend more than its current national income level and repay these funds in the future when domestic income is higher. Rich countries on the hand can lend funds through the global capital market so that they can maintain the high level of consumption they enjoy now into the future.
Inter-temporal trade only helps to smooth consumption if the funds a country borrows or lends are invested in profitable projects that bring a higher future income. A student may take out a loan to get an education to provide a higher future income and the means to pay back the loan. This is less likely if she squanders the money on the high life. In the same manner funds that flow into a low income country must also be partly invested in the domestic economy in a way that promotes future growth. Of course lenders are also concerned about the soundness of these investments since they expect to be repaid.
But, why should wealthy countries provide capital to less fortunate countries? The four decades preceding World War–I show why international capital should flow from rich to poor countries and highlight the benefits of inter-temporal trade. The main economic powers at that time included the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. They had built up high levels of capital through industrialization but the returns on domestic investment had tapered off. This so called diminishing returns to capital is a natural occurrence in an economy.
Consider the effects of the first machine provided to a worker – it makes him much more productive but with each additional machine provided the worker’s additional output declines. When a worker who already operates ten machines is given an extra machine it will not make him much more productive.
As returns on investment declined in Europe, lenders started to look elsewhere. The emerging economies of the Americas such as Canada, Argentina, and the U.S were in dire need of funds to build railroads and ports and link agricultural production to cities. So capital flowed in vast amounts from the U.K, Germany, and France directly into the Americas. In 1880 the U.K’s net outflow of capital was about 5% of its total income which by today’s measures is very large. By 1913 it had grown to almost 10%. As a result Argentina became one of the world’s richest countries. Her per-capita income grew from 40% that of the U.K in 1870 to 75% in 1913. This episode of financial integration from 1870 to 1913 is referred to as the “First Age of Globalization” and is used as an example of how inter-temporal trade led to increased world growth.
The second benefit from financial globalization is portfolio diversification. This refers to the reduced risk to a lender who places his savings in various assets of different characteristics not putting all his eggs in one basket.
A global capital market means savers are not restricted to domestic assets but can diversify their portfolio by investing abroad. This makes investors less vulnerable to fluctuations in the domestic economy. Portfolio diversification has increased dramatically since the 1970s as many countries have reduced restrictions on cross-border capital mobility. Banks and mutual funds allow even small lenders such as private citizens to invest in foreign stocks and bonds. In 2004 the U.S foreign assets position was valued at almost 10 trillion dollars. That figure is staggering considering it corresponds to more than 80% of total U.S income in 2004. Compare that to 1982 when the U.S foreign assets position was only around one-fourth of the country’s income. Proponents of financial globalization argue that this increased diversification in asset holdings has greatly reduced risk in financial markets.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Ways to improve your self confidence :

Ways to improve your self confidence:
The word self confidence consist of two words self + confidence. The self means almost everything that you think belongs to you. These things might include your body, health, relationships, academic qualification, various skills, knowledge, wealth, society, country etc. Confidence means that you evaluate those things positively and believe that you can rely... on them to achieve your goals in life.
It is quite interesting to note that some time people who are having almost similar level of assets, i.e. people belonging to same family, working in similar positions in organizations, having equal qualification level might considerably differ in their level of confidence. It means that other than external factors there must be some inner thought process, which might be affecting the confidence level of the person. Under given are some psychological techniques to help you to improve the your confidence level
1. Love your self
It is a common experience that if we feel positive about some person we can give various arguments to prove that person good. Similarly if somebody does not like same person, he can also give enough arguments to prove his point. The same thing holds true when we are talking about ourselves. So first thing we need to do is to start feeling good about ourselves. Many people do not feel good about themselves because they continuously use other people given criteria’s to evaluate themselves. The society given criteria may include good physique, dashing life partner, money, must be able to speak a particular language, good academic record, lots of friends etc. before feeling good about yourself.
It is a common dialogue in movies, in which angry father of a heroine asks the hero, “Who gave you the permission to love my daughter”? The father lays down may conditions for the hero before the two can get married. Same happens in real life where a person can only love himself when he has fulfilled majority of the criteria’s given by society. In some cases the person himself lays down so many goals and conditions before he can love himself. My friends, the one person who needs your love most in this world is you. Just to remind you that love is always without conditions. Every person born in this world has certain strengths and certain weaknesses. So you are not an exception. So love yourself in spite of all the worst things you can think about yourself.
Action plan: On the top of a page write the following statement
Now write at least 10 reasons and it will be better you can reach 25.
(Reason may include any thing that you love about yourself like your physique, behaviour, helping nature, style, respect for elders etc,. )

My all time Mentor 

Prof. Sohan Chandel
thanks And regards 

Hilal Hayat

Friday, 8 June 2012


   Tsunami, Japanese word, meaning “harbor wave” and used as the scientific term
for seismic sea waveGenerated by an undersea earthquake or possibly an undersea
landslide or volcanic eruption. When the Ocean floor is tilted or offset during an
earthquake; a set of waves is created similar to the concentric   Waves generated by
an object dropped into the water. Most tsunamis originate along the ring of fire, a
zone of volcanoes and seismic activity , 32500 km (24,000mi) long, that encircles
the pacific ocean. Since1819, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawallan islands.

A Tsunami can have wavelengths, or widths, of 100 to 200 km (60 to 120 mi), and
 may travel hundreds Of kilometers across the deep ocean, reaching speeds of
  about 725 to 800 km/h (about 450 to 500 mph)
Upon entering shallow coasted wasters, the wave which may have been only about
half a meter (a foot Or two) high out at sea, suddenly grows rapidly. When the
 wave reaches the shore, it may be 15 m (50ft) high or more. Tsunamis have
 tremendous energy because of the great volume of water affected. They are
Capable of obliterating coastal settlements.
Tsunami should not be confused with storm surges, which are domes of water that
rise underneath hurricanes or cyclones and cause extensive coastal flooding when
 the storms reach land. Storm surges are particularly devastating if they occur at
 high tide. A cyclone and accompanying storm surge killed an estimated
500,000people in Bangladesh in 1970.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Food Wastage

Food Wastage
Developed World Food Shortage

PROPHET   MOHAMMAD SAW,    prohibited all types of wastage particularly the food wastage
The reason is …………..?

    There are nearly one billion malnourished people in the world mostly in the developing and the underdeveloped world and with the recent food crisis , spiraling food prices across the globe in recent times and the numerous figures regarding demand outstripping supply , there are some astonishing faults about the global food trends that it corrected can solve the food crisis in the long term . in the USA , 40 million tonnes of food is wasted by households, retailers and food services each year which is enough to satisfy the hunger of the nearly 1 billion malnourished people on the earth. The total quality of water used globally for irrigation and the amount of food that goes wasted is estimated to be enough for domestic needs (at 200 litres per person per day ) of nine billion people –the expected population of the planet by 2050. With the climate change and global warming crises looming and the reduction of the global green cover, a study suggests that afforestation on land currently used  to produce surplus and wasted food can offset a theoretical maximum of 100% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions. in fact , rich countries' 10% greenhouse gas emissions are produced from preparing food that is never eaten. UK, US and Europe have nearly twice as much food as required by their populations.if crops wastefully fed to livestock are included, European countries have more than three times more food than they need, while the US has around four times more food than needed. 

hilal hayat.